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How To Love A Woman

Writer's picture: LorenLoren

Updated: May 20, 2023

You think you know how? Mary, Queen of Hip-Hop Soul & Queen Bey have some advice. Since it's Women's History Month in the USA, I thought it'd be nice to dedicate this month's first post to just that...Loving A Women.

Let's get right to it! I'll give you a taste of some of the lyrics, but have a listen to the song in its entirety, because it's a real MOOD. Ready for it??? "So you think you know how to love a woman But I think there's still some things you need to know And you need to know...

A woman She needs more than material things A woman Needs you to make love to her, she needs more than sex Oh, a real woman needs a real man They don't talk about it, be about it Put that work, and still shows his woman real romance

A woman

She likes to talk, and work it out A woman Likes for you to watch her back, protect her crown

Pick up your phone

Just to say you'll still in love from time to time

Remind her, that she's still beautiful in your eyes

And ride with your woman,

Make her feel that you're always on her side

When she cries,

Ask her what she's feeling

Let her know you sympathize

Gotta swallow your pride

Kiss her real slow and get down and blow her mind

Got to take your time

I say, Kiss her real slow and get down and blow her mind Boy you think you know how to love a woman

But I think there's still some things you need to know

So you think you know how to love a woman

But I think there's still some things you need to know..."

So, did you listen to it? What are your thoughts? Men, how do you show your woman love?

Women, do we know HOW to BE loved? These are vital & valid questions that each of us personally need to answer. I've heard it so many times...A woman needs a "real man." What constitutes a real man in your eyes? Is it the bank account, the flashy ride, or that fact that he makes you laugh & has a genuine heart? Is it because he listens to you? Is it because he is a protector and carer? An amazing father? A worker? A lover? Only you can answer those questions. But one thing for sure...we must understand in this material world is that a real man is so much more than just a check. And if that's your main criteria, it's time for reevaluation. On that note...

Will all the real men please stand up? Are you about that work? Do you SHOW your love? Whether it's a small gesture or a grand display? Fingertips at the small of her back (thank you Lauryn Hill), preparing dinner for the evening, occupying the kids, really listening to her heart. Or is it amazing date nights, fancy cars, trips, jewelry shopping sprees? Whatever strikes your fancy (and hers) or whatever your pockets can afford, are you SHOWING love?

So, you think you know how to love a woman, But I think there's still some things you need to know...

A woman is a Queen in her own right, do you protect her crown? Are you her biggest advocate? Are you the protector of her body, her heart & her mind? Do you lift her up when she is weak? Do you listen to her cries and dry her tears? Do you place that crown ever so gently back on her head when she forgets that it belongs there?

So, you think you know how to love a woman, But I think there's still some things you need to know... Do you remind your woman that she is beautiful? Pick something...her eyes, her lips, her smile, her soft skin, her kind heart, her body. Do you remind your woman that you still love her? Sometimes those three little words can go a long way for a lot of reasons.

So, you think you know how to love a woman, But I think there's still some things you need to know...

Gotta swallow your pride. Maybe you were RIGHT & she was wrong or vice versa. Don't let pride get in the way of something as beautiful as love. It's the downfall of so many.

So, you think you know how to love a woman, But I think there's still some things you need to know...

Kiss her real slow, take your time. All smiles here! So now that all the real men have analyzed their realness and figured out if & what they need to work

on, let's ask ourselves this question...Do WE know HOW to be loved?

I think there's still some things WE need to know.

Stay tuned.

In the meantime, feel free to put that song on repeat!


But, before you go, we have a question for you...

Who Should Love Who More In A Relationship, The Man or The Woman? CLICK HERE to tell us your answer! we want to hear from you!



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Mar 05, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Good point. It goes both ways. I'm glad you started with the men tho, lol

Mar 05, 2023
Replying to

Very funny!


Mar 03, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Def something to think about. Also, this is the 1st time I'm hearing this song!

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